lets have it for you

Revalni Syafirah
2 min readMay 2, 2020

broken records of pain. screams of pain tangled to each other, deafening the birds and butterflies and flies or other beings that is supposedly meant to fly.

Act 2

bruises of your favourite color. how those colours after colors complement each other, a painting from colours. a scar from a broken fibre beneath my skin.

Act 3

a caged bird with a crooked wings. feeble and helpless. hollow limbs in hopes for ease, and opulence, and comfort, and other words one might use to describe whatever feelings i have long to feel.

Act 4

but i think i’m a lot like fluffy clouds over a pink sky, sparkles of blue waves crashing through the shore, warm chocolate sinking marshmallows, fields of tulips like how they did it in holland..

Act 5

a lot like limbs,



too human to see hostility

too delicate to feel pain

Act 6

years spent searching for metaphors inside of me and i guess it’s fluffy coulds over a pink sky

you know i never witness a field of tulips like how they did it in holland

but somehow i know everything about it

Act 7

a then-scattered pieces-is now a complete scheme. it felt familiar. i think i have found my lost self.

and love it again.

Act 8

i am love. i am a fluffy clouds over a pink sky.

Act 9

to all the hearts who have learnt their lessons

i hope you have learnt how to heal yourself too and make peace with pain

for you are grit

you are strength

let’s have it for you

